Monday, February 15, 2021

Lent 2021

We are about to enter Lent, the next season of our church year.  Lent begins this Wednesday (Ash Wednesday), and lasts until April 3rd, 2021.

The day before Lent, Shrove Tuesday (aka Mardi Gras or pancake day), was traditionally a time to use up all the fat and sugar in the house before the Lenten fast by having a pancake dinner.  It was also a time for fun and silliness. Although we can't be together at St. Andrew's for a pancake dinner, we can still celebrate together.  We will be celebrating with an online scavenger hunt and saying goodbye to the Alleluia tomorrow evening on Whereby at 5:30.  

During Lent I will be posting a short (3-5 minute) weekly video about something that occurs during that week of Lent, whether that's a saint's day, a practice, an easy recipe, etc. This week's will be posted on Wednesday morning and will be about choosing a Lenten practice (giving something up or taking something on).  After this week, they will be available each Monday of Lent. 

Sunday School will continue through Lent as usual, and announcements about Holy Week and Easter are coming soon! 

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Love Bingo

Love Bingo This summer, let's practice loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves by playing Love Bingo!  Download the Love Bingo ...