Thursday, July 30, 2020

LIVE 9:30am August 2, 2020 Family Service

This week's family service will be live on Whereby, the video conferencing site we have been using for storytime (and to record the family service).  We will start at 9:30 and be done in time to join the Scarf Sunday service at 10:00am! 

We will be doing a special activity to reveal a clue about this year's Sunday School theme! 

Click here to RSVP (to make sure we have a big enough room!)

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Sunday School Week of July 26th, 2020

This week's Sunday School lesson is a little different! Here is a presentation of the Parable of the Mustard Seed, which we heard in church last Sunday.  I hope you will enjoy it, and then maybe draw or paint a picture of the mustard tree to remind you that God can make something wonderful from the tiniest seed. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

July 26, 2020 Family Service

Thanks for joining us for this week's family service! 

You can share prayers for an upcoming family service here. 

To see our upcoming schedule of online gatherings, including our live family service activity at 9:30am next Sunday, click here

Here is the list of resources for talking with kids about race, and if you have a resource that you recommend, you can comment here or send me an email and I might add it to the list! 

And last but not least, on Wednesday a printable craft will be posted for our Sunday Schoolers at this link

Announcements about important dates for the upcoming program year are coming soon! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sunday School Week of July 19, 2020

Good afternoon, everyone!

This week, we heard the story of Jacob's ladder.  If you watched the family service you heard Sue talk about (and show us!) her angels and how she knows God is always with her.  If you watched the 10:00 service you heard me talk about how Jacob says "surely God was in this place and I never knew it!" I challenged everyone to think about the places where God surprises us, or places where God is with us even when we don't notice. I don't know about you, but as I spend more time praying and going to church at home than ever before, the couch spot where I watch and record church services feels more and more like a holy place!

If you want to make a craft to remember the story you can click here to see a google drive folder with instructions, a ladder craft, and angels to put onto the ladder.

Happy crafting and don't forget to look around and notice this week that God can meet us anywhere, even the most ordinary of places!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

July 19, 2020 Family Service

Thanks for joining us for this week's family service! 

You can share prayers for an upcoming family service here.

You can find the Jacob's ladder coloring page here

To see our upcoming schedule of online gatherings including the ice cream social and this week's story time, click here

Here is the list of resources for talking with kids about race and if you have a resource that you recommend, you can comment here or send me an email and I might add it to the list! 

Watch for an email later today about how we will say thank you and goodbye to Fr. Channing, Mary, and Olivia! If for some reason you don't see it, you can send me an email at and I will be happy to fill you in. I need to know who will participate by Wednesday evening, July 22 so that on Thursday I can start distributing materials. 

And last but not least, on Wednesday a printable craft will be posted for our Sunday Schoolers at this link

Saturday, July 11, 2020

July 12, 2020 Family Service

Thanks for joining us for this week's family service! 

You can share prayers for an upcoming family service here.

To see our upcoming schedule of online gatherings including the ice cream social and this week's story time, click here

You can see today's 10:00 service here

And last but not least, on Wednesday a printable craft will be posted for our Sunday Schoolers at this link

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Sunday School: Week of July 5th, 2020

Hi everyone,

In this week's family service we read the story where Jesus tells the disciples some interesting things:

"Blessed are you who are poor, for all God’s world is yours.
Blessed are you who are hungry, for God will feed you.
Blessed are you who are sad, for God will comfort you and you will laugh again.    
Blessed are you who feed the poor, for you are the hands of God.
Blessed are you who comfort the sad, for you are the arms of God.
Blessed are you who work for peace, for you are the voice of God.
Blessed are you who are loving and kind, for you are the heart of God."

If you missed it, I hope you will go listen to the story and then we have a fun craft to remember the verse! You can find the craft here and directions here. I hope it will help you remember the beatitudes and that Jesus calls us the salt of the earth, and the light of the world, and to love and pray for everyone, even your enemies.

Have a wonderful week!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Sunday Family Service

Thanks for joining us for this week's family service! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday weekend, staying safe and having fun. I want to say a special thank you to Sue for all the wonderful children's sermons and especially for taking the time to do this for us this week during the Fourth of July festivities!  And thank you to Sandy for the beautiful music! 

You can share prayers for an upcoming family service here.

To see our upcoming schedule of online gatherings including the ice cream social and this week's story time, click here

And last but not least, on Wednesday a printable craft will be posted for our Sunday Schoolers at this link

Love Bingo

Love Bingo This summer, let's practice loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves by playing Love Bingo!  Download the Love Bingo ...