Saturday, June 6, 2020

12:30pm on 6/7: Live Family Agape Meal for Appreciation Sunday

This week as we celebrate Appreciation Sunday and Trinity Sunday, we will gather live on Zoom. I encourage you to gather around your table (or on the couch or wherever is comfortable!) with your lunch. We will give thanks for this very unusual program year, and celebrate Trinity Sunday! We'll pray, sing, and enjoy a story (with a shamrock project - see below!) as usual, and we will also have some time to catch up, enjoy time together, etc. I can't wait to see you soon!

Meeting ID: 973 6478 8775
Password: 8pg0mp  

During the story, Sue will be sharing this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit shamrock to help us celebrate Trinity Sunday.

You can click here to print a template to make your own! 

*What is an Agape Meal?  Agape means love in Greek, and an Agape Meal is a time to gather to share that love with one another. It is not the same as the Eucharist (aka Communion), although both emphasize our unity in Christ.

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Love Bingo

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